What is the Value of Well Documented Processes?

Documenting information technology processes is a crucial step in information technology management. It provides an important framework for understanding information and systems, preventing process duplication, and making it easier to train new team members. Without documentation of information technology processes, the company will not be able to effectively integrate new information technologies into existing business workflows or provide proper training to employees.

Documentation of information technology processes is done through a process called “business process mapping”. This documents the workflow and information flow in an information system. Business process mapping can be done on paper or digitally, with computer software such as Visio Professional 2016 or OmniGraffle Pro.

When documenting information technology processes, it’s important to provide information on what decisions are made in the process, who is responsible for making those decisions, and how the information technology system supports that. Without these three pieces of information, it’s hard to understand why an information technology decision was made or how a particular software program was used.

While business process mapping tools can be helpful when documenting information processes, information technology managers should be aware that there are limitations to them. The information in these tools is limited in the sense that it’s only used for documentation purposes, rather than being something dynamic which can adjust depending on what information needs to be presented at a particular moment.

You would probably want your organizational process documentation software of choice (e.g., ProcessMaker, SharePoint) to use information technology process documentation templates.

It’s best to document information processes in a series of steps that are sequential and logical so other people can follow them easily. The company may want different types of information for each step (e.g., how the information is stored or what decisions need to be made), so information technology managers should keep this in mind when documenting information processes.

Restrictions of business process mapping tools:

  • information is only used for documentation purposes, not dynamic information presentation

  • may need to differentiate between different types of information needed per step (e.g., how the information is stored)

  • information technology process documentation templates should be used to keep information organized

  • information technology managers may want different types of information for each step (e.g., how the information is stored)

  • keep in mind when documenting information processes that each step needs a sequential and logical flow so other people can follow it easily.

Conclusion: There are many benefits to information technology process documentation, such as preventing process duplication and providing proper training. Without information on what decisions are made in the process, who is responsible for making these decisions, or how information technology supports that decision, it’s hard to understand why a particular information technology decision was made or how a software program was used. Documentation should be done in a series of steps that are sequential and logical, with information technology process documentation templates used to keep information organized.

Written on July 22, 2021