Intro into the world of IT security

If you are looking to protect your business or personal data, there is more than one way to go about it. But most importantly, it depends on what the best solution for your company is. Here we discuss some of the methods of gaining physical and digital security in an effort to provide companies with a glimpse into their options for securing their systems and data. We will explore solutions that are non intrusive and successful.

How Non Intrusive Security Best Practices are the Key to Success

Physical security is often neglected in favor of digital solutions, but there are instances where a physical solution should be used before a digital one. Hackers use various techniques that can circumvent traditional security measures. The solution is to adopt non intrusive security methods that will not only reduce the possibility of being hacked, but also reduce the likelihood of damage to your system or data. These methods are intended to provide adequate protection without impacting business continuity or productivity.

Tools such as a firewall and intrusion detection system help protect sensitive information from the outside. An IDS (Intrusion Detection System) provides real-time protection from unwanted or unauthorized requests and programs. A firewall is a security system that separates networks by using a software gateway to control access to information. It sits between your internal network and the internet. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) help to detect unauthorized attempts of information access, whether they are attempted through an external network or an internal one.

A Honeypot is a fake system that mimics a real system. Tens of thousands of attacks are made daily against these systems, and the majority never reach the real network. A honeypot can be used to collect information about types of attacks, and the data can be used to develop more effective security measures.

Encryption is another way to protect your information from outside attempts at accessing it. Data encryption is a process in which data is transformed in such a way that only authorized parties can read and make sense of it.

The challenge is: implementing everything with ease of use in mind because the harder something is to be used the more likely people will try to avoid using it.

Written on June 18, 2021